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Bertel Poul Marinus Pedersen

by | Feb 13, 2020 | The Family in Denmark, The Family in USA | 0 comments

Bertel Poul Marinus Pedersen


Biography for Bertel Paul Marinus Pedersen. Source: Barnes Country History 1976 Page 191.

Urenstad, Denmark was the birthplace of Bertel Peter M. Pedersen on October 3, 1877. This was also true of Anna Westergaard Larson, born October 22, 1876. Here they grew to adulthood and here they were married in 1904.

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In 1920, the Pedersen family moved to Barnes County, settling 1/4 miles south of Valley City, in Section 23, Maresh Township. In 1927, another move was made to Section 8, Nelson Township.
Mrs. Anna Pedersen died the following year, and Bertel passed away in 1933. Today, Franz and Norma continue to live on the farm acquired in 1927